Thursday, December 30, 2010




2 Votes

Posted by Marivel Guzman
Original posted by Abu Yazan

F**k Hamas!, F**k Israel!, F**k Fatah!, F**k UN. F**k UNWRA. F**k USA!
We, the youth in Gaza, are so fed up with Israel, Hamas, the occupation, the violations of human rights and the indifference of the international community!
We want to scream and break this wall of silence, injustice and indifference. Like the Israeli F16’s breaking the wall of sound; we want to scream with all the power in our souls in order to release this immense frustration that consumes us because of this f*****g situation we live in.
We are like lice between two nails living a nightmare inside a nightmare, no room for hope, no space for freedom.
We are sick of being caught in this political struggle, sick of coal dark nights with airplanes circling above our homes, sick of innocent farmers getting shot in the buffer zone because they are taking care of their lands, sick of bearded guys walking around with their guns abusing their power, beating up or incarcerating young people demonstrating for what they believe in.
Sick of the wall of shame that separates us from the rest of our country and keeps us imprisoned in a stamp-sized piece of land.
Sick of being portrayed as terrorists, homemade fanatics with explosives in our pockets and evil in our eyes.
Sick of the indifference we meet from the international community, the so-called experts in expressing concerns and drafting resolutions, but cowards in enforcing anything they agreed on.
We are sick and tired of living a shitty life, being kept in jail by Israel, beaten up by Hamas, and completely ignored by the rest of the world.
There is a revolution growing inside of us, an immense dissatisfaction and frustration that will destroy us unless we find a way of canalizing this energy into something that can challenge the status Quo and give us some kind of hope.
The final drop that made our hearts tremble with frustration and hopelessness happened on November 30th, when Hamas’ officers came to Sharek Youth Forum, a leading youth organization ( with their guns, lies and aggressiveness, throwing everybody outside, incarcerating some and prohibiting Sharek from working.
A few days later, demonstrators in front of Sharek were beaten and some incarcerated. We are really living a nightmare inside a nightmare. It is difficult to find words for the pressure we are under.
We barely survived the Operation Cast Lead, where Israel very effectively bombed the shit out of us, destroying thousands of homes and even more lives and dreams.
They did not get rid of Hamas, as they intended, but they sure scared us forever and distributed post traumatic stress syndrome to everybody, as there was nowhere to run.
We are youth with heavy hearts. We carry in ourselves a heaviness so immense that it makes it difficult to us to enjoy the sunset. How to enjoy it when dark clouds paint the horizon and bleak memories run past our eyes every time we close them?
We smile in order to hide the pain. We laugh in order to forget the war.
We hope in order not to commit suicide here and now.
During the war we got the unmistakable feeling that Israel wanted to erase us from the face of the earth. During the last years Hamas has been doing all they can to control our thoughts, behavior and aspirations.
We are a generation of young people used to face missiles, carrying what seems to be a impossible mission of living a normal and healthy life, and only barely tolerated by a massive organization that has spread in our society as a malicious cancer disease, causing mayhem and effectively killing all living cells, thoughts and dreams on its way as well as paralyzing people with its terror regime. Not to mention the prison we live in, a prison sustained by a so-called democratic country.
History is repeating itself in its most cruel way and nobody seems to care. We are scared.
Here in Gaza we are scared of being incarcerated, interrogated, hit, tortured, bombed, killed.
We are afraid of living, because every single step we take has to be considered and well-thought, there are limitations everywhere, we cannot move as we want, say what we want, do what we want, sometimes we even cant think what we want because the occupation has occupied our brains and hearts so terrible that it hurts and it makes us want to shed endless tears of frustration and rage!
We do not want to hate, we do not want to feel all of this feelings, we do not want to be victims anymore. ENOUGH! Enough pain, enough tears, enough suffering, enough control, limitations, unjust justifications, terror, torture, excuses, bombings, sleepless nights, dead civilians, black memories, bleak future, heart aching present, disturbed politics, fanatic politicians, religious bullshit, enough incarceration!
WE SAY STOP! This is not the future we want!
We want three things; We want to be free. We want to be able to live a normal life and We want peace.
Is that too much to ask?
We are a peace movement consistent of young people in Gaza and supporters elsewhere that will not rest until the truth about Gaza is known by everybody in this whole world and in such a degree that no more silent consent or loud indifference will be accepted.
This is the Gazan youth’s manifesto for change!
We will start by destroying the occupation that surrounds ourselves, we will break free from this mental incarceration and regain our dignity and self respect.
We will carry our heads high even though we will face resistance. We will work day and night in order to change these miserable conditions we are living under.
We will build dreams where we meet walls.
We only hope that you – yes, you reading this statement right now! – can support us. In order to find out how, please write on our wall or contact us directly:
We want to be free, we want to live, we want peace.


I m speechless this is what I want to hear.
Out with all the rules that bound you in your own mental prisons.
Liberation yes, I m 110 % agree with your Manifesto, free, freedom and liberation.
I m sharing your courage. I m sharing your dreams, your hopes, your pains, your deaths, your ideals, your free and open mind.
I wanted to hear the youth speaking, I do no know if will make a difference now, but certainly your message will spread in the world, in the mind of the old and tired souls, tired of their struggles. They also need to hear you speaking, they stop their fight long time ago. The occupation put a pacifies en their minds. But has come out to given hopes again.
Your message will infuse energy to the resistance, to the old and decrepit bodies that have fought for more than 6 decades without seeing compassion from the world, that have not received justice from the international bodies than have appointed themselves as the saviors of the world, to the peace activists, the justice seekers that are fighting for your land. To the world that has seen themselves as passive actors in their own dramas.
To the ignorant that has change passive messages for the chance to work and bring food to their table.
To the victims of injustice that thought that was no more hope.
The young generation it has to show us the old generation that we still can change our world.
I was almost giving up my fight for Gaza, I was getting stiff and tired of yelling, writing, posting, complaining. I thought no one was listening, but I was wrong.
This Manifesto full or courage. Rage dissatisfaction and pain have given me hopes again.
I m awake again, your words have giving me the food for the soul that I was missing.
I love you Gaza, I m proud of you, I m with you, in your fight against indifference, against the oppression of your mind, in this fight for your land, for your human rights, for your motherless children, and your childless mothers, I m with you with your olive trees that with one last stand they resist to let go and still embracing the land, I m with you, with your flag, that not being mine, have awaken the fighter spirit on me.
You want to clean your image that for long time have been stained by Israel and Western media propaganda machine.
I want to help you; your strong voices give me impulse to fight for you.
I always thought that the youth in the world has different genetic material, at least different form the last generation, the one that have grown up tired and have given indifference in exchange for temporal peace.
I m sharing your words in every wall that I find, in every blog available to me, my channels, everywhere that there is space to post a letter of hope.
Thanks Gaza youth I love you all…Free Palestine.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight: Americans Need to Know More About Palestine

Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight: Americans Need to Know More About Palestine: "Americans Need to Know More About Palestine ..."

Americans Need to Know More About Palestine

Americans Need to Know More About Palestine

Posted on 28. Oct, 2010 by  Marivel Guzman from original Post Raja Mujtaba in Interviews
Interview with Jamal Krayem Kanj: Author Children of Catastrophe
Interview by Elias Harb
Author Jamal Kanj talks about life in a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon. In his recent book “Children of Catastrophe: Journey from a Palestinian refugee camp to America”, he provides an account of life from Palestine to refugee camps in Lebanon and the events leading for the creation of the state of Israel.
Jamal Kanj joined me in an exclusive interview to discuss his book Children of Catastrophe.
ELIAS HARB: In your book you convey the personal aspect of the life of the refugees. Can you tell us what inspired you to write Children of Catastrophe?....Read More Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Restructuring Public Entities In Pakistan Part I

Posted on 20. Oct, 2010 by Marivel Guzman original Post by Raja Mujtaba.
By Shaukat Masood Zafar:
The scope of the lucrative six-figure pay package for top management positions (MP), being raised up to around Rupees one million per month, basically introduced to attract experts of international standing from the private sector to lead these public sector enterprises in Pakistan, has been contentiously widened to feed well even the serving and retired political affiliated government officials/ political figures, who otherwise are not eligible to draw this huge salary.
                                           Read More.....Opinion-Maker Foresight with Insight

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Coercing Pakistan to extract nukes

Posted on 14. Oct, 2010 by Marivel Guzman  Raja Mujtaba in World News
Along with Israel, America is also getting isolated in the international community, more so in the Muslim world. The worst tragedy is when the government gets isolated from its own people, America of today is a perfect example. Raja Mujtaba
By Brig Asif Haroon Raja
Pakistan is contiguous to Pashtun belt of Pakistan and is not connected with non-Pashtun areas in the west, centre and north. Whole of northern Afghanistan is attached with three Republicans states of Central Asia while western Afghanistan is fastened with Iran. Apart from geographic contiguity, five million Pashtuns of Afghanistan share religious, ethnic, linguistic and cultural ties with 15 million Pashtuns residing in Pakistan. Pashtuns living in close vicinity of Durand Line have blood relations. Their villages were arbitrarily divided by the British on the map since physical demarcation was almost impossible because of inhospitable terrain and weather. Border line has never acted as an impediment in their cross border movement. Pashtuns from both sides have been jointly fighting all foreign invaders; each time they succeeded in evicting the aggressors. In accordance with their age-old tradition, they are doing the same now.
It must be remembered that unlike Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, Americans are uninvited guests in Afghanistan and their stay is temporary......Read More...Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight

White House in Crisis

Posted on 14. Oct, 2010 by Marivel Guzman        Original Post by Raja Mujtaba in US
Section 4 of the 25th Amendment likely to be invoked; Obama being shipped out!
By Wayne Madsen
Washington has not witnessed so much top level White House intrigue since October 20, 1973, when a Saturday night saw President Nixon fire the Watergate independent counsel, the U.S. attorney general, and the deputy attorney general in the “Saturday Night Massacre.” Just ten days earlier, Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned after being charged with accepting bribes while governor of Maryland.
In the case of President Obama, the senior firings are not happening during a single nght but the recent involuntary sudden departures of the White House chief of staff and national security adviser, along with what WMR can confirm from multiple sources is a president who is suffering from Nixonian levels of paranoia, depression, and schizophrenia, has some top-level administration officials considering the first-ever invocation of Section 4 of the 25th Amendment — the involuntary removal of the president from office. The White House meltdown has the Washington political circuit buzzing under the surface.
The “Ulsterman” Diary
Like Watergate, the rumors about Obama’s mental health.......Read More Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight: From AmPak to AfPak

Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight: From AmPak to AfPak: "Posted by Marivel Guzman From Original Post on 12. Oct, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Pak-US Relations [Translate] The 60 Years of PAK-AMERICAN J..."

From AmPak to AfPak

Posted by Marivel Guzman From Original Post on 12. Oct, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Pak-US Relations

The 60 Years of PAK-AMERICAN Journey

By Engr. Mansoor A Malik
Pakistan’s first Prime Minister, Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan’s first and his last visit to USA in 1950 paved the way for a long and tumultuous relationship between the Victorious (Second World War) Super Power, America and the Largest, Democratic Muslim State of the world at that time, Pakistan. This new fledgling democratic state of Pakistan had gone to the Golden Shores of the USA to get help in strengthening its democratic institutions which were in infancy and urgently required support and help from its friends abroad. It could have gone to its ex-colonial power, UK for this support but preferred a fresh approach since its founding politicians had apprehensions about the close affinity between its immediate neighbor India and UK. The objectives of this journey from the Pakistani leadership were quite vivid but its timings were completely out of place. The American policy makers in Washington at that time were deeply engrossed in the preparation of the Korean War as a demonstration of their new Asia-Pacific policy and required foot soldiers for this important campaign. They had already roped in the Turkish Military and requested Pakistan to do the same. Liaqat Ali Khan in his own eloquent style, coming from the landed aristocracy, politely refused any military help on this account........Read More Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight

Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight: An open Letter to all the Kings, Presidents and Pr...

Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight: An open Letter to all the Kings, Presidents and Pr...: "An open Letter to all the Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers of the Islamic CountriesPosted by Marivel Guzman from original Post on 11. O..."

An open Letter to all the Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers of the Islamic Countries

An open Letter to all the Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers of the Islamic Countries

Posted by Marivel Guzman from original Post on 11. Oct, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Opinion
Editor’s Note: This letter was written in 2002/03. No paper at the time accepted to publish it therefore it was printed in the pamphlet form and distributed to some 10000 people. None of the Rulers at the time even responded to this letter. Now it is being republished without any editing therefore the readers are free to judge for what was written about eight years back does it still hold its truth or not.
By Raja Ghulam Mujtaba

Guide us to the straight path,
The path of those upon whom You bestowed favours,
Not those who have invited Your wrath,
nor those who have gone astray. “Al-Fatih”
Dear Brothers and Sisters in faith and fraternity, Assalamalelum

Muslim Unity
As you all are aware that presently the entire Muslim world is under going a tremendous pressure seldom witnessed in history. Like most, I am sure you all must also be worried over the situation. We all jointly but you the leaders in particular have a great responsibility to discharge. The anti Islamic forces over the ages have been very active and aggressive in their aims and goals. They have left no avenue to attack Islam from all directions and at all levels, but we have either failed to read the situation or could not build up the necessary trust, confidence and strength to face it. The entire Muslim world stands divided in more than one way, the things are neither that simple nor very visible; there is lot more to be studied than what is visible to the naked eye. This problem does not pertain to any particular segment of our society or state; it’s universal to the entire Ummah. We as Muslims have to decide the course that we have to adopt; should we seek guidance from the Holy Quran or from the so-called defenders and propagators of the so-called modern and civilised society of the West.
What happened on 11th September is the next phase of the “New World Order” that was launched with the culmination of Gulf War. Thus it was not the act of any individual or a group of people. Even no Muslim country has the sophistication to carry out such an attack. Therefore in all earnest, we should have studied all that was made available and also tried to acquire more information independent of the Western governments to come to some logical and collective thinking in asserting the truth. Only then we would have been in a position to salvage the situation. I am not endorsing the foul acts of anyone what to say of Osama or Mullah Omar but before we had condemned or accepted them as terrorists we should have been more resolute in demanding the evidence against them and also studied the game plan and its pattern that has been evolving over the period of time. Today because of the timidness and lack of faith and trust in our Deen and its dictums, all the rulers are responsible for this blot on the face of the Ummah. The Zionist dominated West is all bent upon destroying the Muslims and the world of Islam, the last hurdle in their nefarious designs after Christianity and their own created communism both having been destroyed very effectively. The shape of Christianity is so badly mutilated that even the Christians have lost faith and belief in their religion. The Zionists who want the entire world to follow the path of sin have managed the Christians to follow Lucifer; they are prompted to sin by making them believe that these have all been paid for in the blood of Prophet Jesses, thus their love for Jesses. The Holy Bible after its mutilation is no longer the word of Allah (SWT).
Fortunately they failed to drive any such notion amongst the Muslims nor have they been able to mutilate the Holy Quran, therefore now the anti Islamic forces have no option but to physically eradicate both this faith and its followers. Over a period of time, though these forces have tried to drive a wedge amongst the Muslims but with some success to fragment them; however contrary to their thinking, now there is a greater realisation and urge amongst the Muslims to get back to the Holy Quran and Sunnah to seek guidance; this is all a very natural and logical process for our salvation. Now the masses feel that it’s the leadership that’s a hurdle in this process, thus their resentment against you all. The emergence of the Talibans in Afghanistan was seen as the revival of the caliphate therefore Muslim masses felt its obligation to this development. This was a visible threat to the ruling class of the Muslim world more so for the monarchies and it also jittered the West. For this reason the Talibans were not accepted lest they become a threat to their authority or invoke America’s displeasure. Still some were pursuing the sectarian conflict for their vested interests, this was nothing but short sightedness and selfish thinking on the part of the leadership.
Establishment of Islamic order in Afghanistan would have provided a role model for the world to see had we all particularly the leadership worked very sincerely towards this goal and extended complete support and guidance to the Talibans. Simultaneously not only their differences with the Northern Alliance should have been patched up but disputes amongst the other Muslim States should have also been ironed out. Here one must not forget that prior to the Talibans, an agreement was worked out between the components of the ruling alliance of seven parties and they put their signature on this document in the Holy Kabah of which, Northern Alliance was also a component. It was the failure of this Ruling Alliance, who not only dishonoured the pledge but also indulged in loot and plunder and created lawlessness that paved the way for the Talibans descend on the scene. OIC was the most appropriate forum to have conducted this affair but like the Muslim leadership, this too has proved to be an impotent organ. With this level of our faith and commitment, these novices in the field of statecraft were left just to themselves who were bound to commit mistakes and they became very rigid in their outlook. But here it must be appreciated that even their critics from the West have accepted that the Talibans had brought law and order to their country, de-weaponised the society, eradicated poppy cultivation completely and there was no pomp and gaiety. Even America, the self-claimant of being the most civilised, freedom loving and democratic society cannot claim of a single day free of crime; in fact the count is kept by the clock. Some years back when there was a power failure in America, women were raped right in the elevators. How societies that cannot protect own citizens can be the custodians of others rights and privileges? Suffice to say even no Muslim country including Pakistan, the citadel of Islam can guarantee such a protection and safety to the daughters of the eve though in Saudi Arabia and Iran, things are little different.
The war of Afghanistan is far from over. Now the Zionist dominated West under the cover of the UNO (The UNO is Zionism. It is the super-government mentioned many times in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, promulgated between 1897-1905 – Henry Klein, a Jewish Lawyer of New York – 1948) is busy trying to implement ‘The New World Order’ that began after the American occupation of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in 1991. Let it be known that the New World Order is essentially a thrust against Islam as the subsequent events are proving it to be true. The International Jewry, the most threatening menace to humanity is attempting to replace and subordinate the Islamic systems, values, culture and liberties to the ones practiced in the West. Those who are resisting it are being labelled as fundamentalists. This is a clash heading towards a major catastrophe that one can term as clash of civilisations; it is the building of the third world war. Under the guise of war against terrorism, a number of Islamic countries have been put on the hit list and there is no secret about it that Pakistan being its primary target for being a nuclear country so that none can interdict the process.
The killing of the POWs in Mazare Sharif and shifting of the Muslims to India, Israel and America speaks volumes about our apathy and their determination against Islam and the Muslims. Why none could question them or force them to conduct a transparent enquiry and trial is very intriguing. Essentially it was the caretaker government of Afghanistan to have assumed the responsibility to resist such shifting but unfortunately their own credibility is highly doubtful and they themselves are pawns of this heinous game. In spite of repeated public demands, America has refused to put an end to the ruthless and indiscriminate bombing of Afghanistan thereby killing innocent people and destroying their properties against all norms of justice, humanity and fair play. It is the American terror unleashed who is bent upon telling every country around to accept it as the master of their destiny. It is recorded in history that ultimate victory belongs to the righteous no matter how weak they may be. Look at the fate of Pharaoh and Nimrod at the hands of Prophets Musa and Abraham, thus one may witness these very Afghans once again uniting and standing up against the Zionist coalition forces and their puppets........Read More.......Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Truth Will Set U.S. Free

Posted on 29. Sep, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Opinion
Breaking Israel’s Stranglehold over American Foreign Policy
By Maidhc O Cathail
If Israel’s stranglehold over U.S. foreign policy is to be broken, Americans will need to be informed about the harm that Washington’s unconditional support for the Jewish state is doing to American interests, say leading analysts of U.S.-Israeli relations.
According to John J. Mearsheimer, co-author of The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, “The only plausible way to weaken the lobby’s influence on U.S. foreign policy is for prominent policymakers and opinion-makers to speak openly about the damage the special relationship is doing to the American national interest.”
“Plenty of people in the United States, especially inside the Beltway, know that Israel is an albatross around America’s neck,” says Mearsheimer, the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago. “But they are afraid to stand up and say that for fear that the lobby will attack them and damage their careers.”
“Hopefully, some of them will develop a backbone,” he adds.
Philip Giraldi, executive director of the Council for the National Interest, believes that Tel Aviv’s stranglehold over Washington can be broken “only by directly challenging the power of the Israel lobby and the false narrative about how it is of value to the United States.”
Giraldi, a contributing editor to The American Conservative, says that “it must be done from the bottom up as Israel cannot be challenged in the mainstream media, Congress, and in the White House.”
“The American people must learn that Israel is and always has been a strategic liability that has done immense damage to the United States and its worldwide interests,” concludes the former CIA officer.
If there is to be an end to Israel’s decades-long “sway over Congress and intimidating presidents,” says Jeffrey Blankfort, a prominent Jewish American critic of Israel and its American lobby, “it will require appeals and actions beginning on a local level that inform the American people not so much about what Israel has done to the Palestinians but what its unregistered agents in the U.S., euphemistically described as ‘lobbyists,’ have done to destroy what little is left of American democracy and the attendant costs in flesh and blood, as well as its tax dollars.”
A long-time pro-Palestinian activist noted for his trenchant critique of Noam Chomsky, Blankfort attributes the failure of such efforts to get off the ground to “the continued unwillingness of the leading figures of the Palestinian solidarity movement in the U.S. to acknowledge the invidious power of the Zionist Lobby,” who, following Chomsky’s anti-imperialist analysis, prefer to “place the primary responsibility for Israel’s crimes and U.S. Middle East policies at Washington’s doorstep.”
“So the first steps,” Blankfort suggests, “may be to publicly challenge these figures while at the same time moving past them and addressing the American people directly.”
No American President will ever have enough latitude to resolve the conflict in Palestine “unless and until enough Americans are informed enough to make their democracy work,” according to Alan Hart, former Middle East Chief Correspondent for Britain’s Independent Television News.
“In other words,” explains Hart, who was also a BBC Panorama presenter specializing in the Middle East, “if President Obama or any of his successors is ever going to be free to confront and defeat the Zionist lobby’s stooges in Congress and the mainstream media, there has got to be created a constituency of understanding about why it is not in America’s own best interests to go on supporting Zionism’s monster child right or wrong.”

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Obama’s Inner Eisenhower


Posted on 29. Sep, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Opinion

By Jeff Gates

Is Barack Obama waking up to the agenda of those who produced his political career? Was his “Inner Eisenhower” on display last week in his televised speech to the U.N. General Assembly?
Did listeners detect a distraught commander-in-chief seeking to bypass Congress and appeal directly to the international community for help in containing Israel’s expansionist goals?
In 1948, the Joint Chiefs cautioned Harry Truman about the “fanatical concepts” of a Jewish-Zionist elite that sought recognition as a legitimate state. U.S. military leaders warned Truman that this elite wanted “military and economic hegemony over the entire Middle East.”
Albert Einstein and other prominent Jews were even more critical. They cautioned Americans about the Zionist political party that produced Menachem Begin, Ariel Sharon and Benjamin Netanyahu, calling it a “terrorist party” with “the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party.”
Eight years later, President Eisenhower experienced how they advance their agenda when, during the last days of his November 1956 presidential campaign, Israel, France and Britain sought to induce a war with Egypt over control of the Suez Canal.
Though Ike was distracted by presidential politics, London and Paris were quickly persuaded to abandon their efforts. Not Tel Aviv. Then as now, Jewish fanatics were not inclined to listen to a U.S. commander-in-chief regardless of the impact of their behavior on our national interests.
When this Republican leader sought Congressional support to counter the Zionists’ agenda, he found none. That’s when this former five-star general turned in desperation to a televised address to counter Israeli Congressional influence that has grown far stronger over the past 54 years.

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People We Do not Know

Posted on 27. Sep, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Opinion, World News

By Marivel Guzman

Experimental Poet who loves to love
We come from different backgrounds, cultures, religions, countries, we speak different languages and even with all these dis similarities we are closer that ever.
But who are “WE”?, people around the globe, “People We Do Not Know”, those strange faces that we encounter in every walk of life, in the coffee shop, the market and like a social disease in the social networks. We are every where, we have different skin colors, different social and economic status, but we do not notice those little almost insignificant details that in our everyday life are so important, but not in here. We can not see them as being an impediment to get together as one, as if we were part of the same family.
One of my closest friends, my new found brother Raja Mujtaba have showed me what real trust and friendship is. He
Raja Mujtaba
owns an online newspaper
Opinion Maker

Foresight With Insight
That in short period of time have positioned itself as one of the best sources of real news in the world.
It have been the power of the social networks, the interaction with these people that we do not know, that we talk and make part of our everyday life, that have made this little newspaper to grow and positioned itself as one of the most read newspapers in the world.
For years the world was used to the NEWS, but with the coming of the instant communication corridor, we have realized that the NEWS is not what is given to us in a silver box. No…the news are being made everyday, by all of us..we are interchanging NEWS everyday. The TV stop offering us the TRUTH. I quote a phrase from Raja Mujtaba’s website “It is my conviction that there can be no peace without justice thus the root cause to every problem must be identified and addressed. Justice leads to peace that develops love” I m over thrilled with his vision for our world, that with closed eyes I help him in his crusade for justice and peace.
During my virtual travels I have had the pleasure to meet beautiful people, specially in Gaza Strip..that little piece of land besieged by Israel Madness, but their people do not give up their hopes for Freedom, for Peace, and their dream to lead a normal life.
Take for example my dear Shady Alassar, a photographer from Gaza, that despite all the instability of his land, he keeps striving for a better future.

Shady Alassar
Shady Alassar Photography , Gaza Strip, Palestine
He won’t stop trying to leave Gaza at its will, travel out for pleasure or business. Who are those people inside Gaza that we see with different eyes because we been programmed to do so for so many years of propaganda, Gazans are people like you and me, they are people “We do not know”, but only because we do not dare to know them. It is amazing that now, we “chat” to them as our best friends, we treat them as family. Imagine what will “Bush and Company will say”, our brothers and friends live in a Land out of boundaries to the world, but not for us, the “people” of the networks.

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India’s Propaganda against Pakistan and China

India’s Propaganda against Pakistan and China

Posted on 28. Sep, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Opinion

By Sajjad Shaukat

Although Indian officials and media have always implicated Pakistan and China on various issues, now with the help of American media, they have started a new phase of propaganda against these two countries in respect of Gilgit-Baltistan.
In this respect, Indian writer B. Raman has already been maligning both Beijing and Islamabad, while Selig Harrison, former correspondent of the “Washington Post” in New Delhi has left no stone unturned in this regard.
On August 27, 2010, the “New York Times” carried an article by Selig Harrison who wrote, “While the world focuses on the flood-ravaged Indus River valley, a quiet geopolitical crisis is unfolding in the Himalayan borderlands of northern Pakistan, where Islamabad is handing over de facto control of the strategic Gilgit-Baltistan region in the northwest corner of disputed Kashmir to China. The entire Pakistan-occupied western portion of Kashmir stretching from Gilgit in the north to Azad (Free) Kashmir in the south is closed to the world…but reports from a variety of foreign intelligence sources reveal, “two important new developments in Gilgit-Baltistan: a simmering rebellion against Pakistani rule and the influx of an estimated 7,000 to 11,000 soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army.”
The report caused considerable sensation in India. The Government of India, while expressing its concern, ordered a verification of it by its agencies. A strong denial of the report came from the Pakistani Embassy in Beijing. “A senior Pakistani official on August 31 denied recent reports that Chinese troops are stationed in the area of Pakistan-controlled Kashmir to build a high-speed rail and road there. Masood Khan, ambassador of Pakistan to China told the Global Times, “The story is not true,” and “It is totally fabricated.”

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Posted on 28. Sep, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Kashmir

By Air Cdre (Retd) Khalid Iqbal
Expanding circles of ownership
It is interesting to observe that ownership of Kashmir conflict is expanding, the stakeholders are far greater that can be visualised. Now even the non-Muslim Kashmiris are also getting on board. Kashmiri youth has taken the lead and assumed the responsibility of carrying forth the struggle to its logical conclusion. Old guard Kashmiri leaders and veterans of first generation struggle are extending full support to the youngsters. Its like a change of leadership that is in its transitional phase. Entire IOK is in a state of defiance. With death tolls exceeding psychological number of 100, the struggle sees to have entered in an irreversible phase. Secretary Generals of UN and OIC have expressed their concern over the brutalities being committed by Indian security apparatus in Kashmir.
Unable to sustain a protracted state of denial, India has, yet once again, acknowledged the disputed status of the territory. Recently, Prime Minister Singh held an emergency APC in New Delhi, which decided to send a 37-member delegation to occupied Kashmir to talk to local politicians and business groups in an effort to ease tensions. Though it was a lacklustre ‘All Parties Conference’, it has kick-started a fresh political initiative by the Indian bi-partisan political leadership. While at the same time, erratic statement of Indian foreign minister in New York UN has demonstrated Indian’s Machiavellian approach to the issue.
Indian initiative may however be a non-starter due to the condition that talks should be held within the framework of the Indian constitution, whereas first assertion of the Kashmiri leadership is that Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed territory as such Indian Constitution does not apply here; and that India has made several promises at the international level, which ought to be fulfilled.
To coincide with the arrival of the Indian fact-finding mission in Srinagar, identical resolutions were adopted unanimously by the National Assembly and the Senate of Pakistan, condemning “state terrorism” in the region and reaffirming Pakistan’s “diplomatic, political and moral support” for Kashmiris in their struggle.

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“Off The Net” Voices from Kashmir and within

“Off The Net” Voices from Kashmir and within

Posted on 20. Sep, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Kashmir

Off The Net

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860)
Today I was to write on Pakistan’s internal situation that is pathetic due to corruption, favourtism, nepotism, inefficiency to say the least.  People of Pakistan have lost total faith in the present political setup, they are demanding Army takeover to bring law and order in the country besides installing an efficient and honest government of no more than 25 technocrats who would build the socio-economic  foundations of the country.
The government is busy in denying every truth and fact that they are confronted with. It’s in every party’s tradition to lie and lie so loud that it better be accepted as truth. Here PPP is no exception therefore all the ills have become political culture in Pakistan.
Now Yousaf Raza Gillani who has been very subtly asked by Angelina Julie to come over to Hollywood for your looks and running the government is a very serious business. The Prime Minister had to admit the irregularities that he been doing in appointing his jail mates to lucrative posts like Chairman Oil and Gas Development Corporation and so is his cabinet busy in making their day as if tomorrow won’t come.
Dr Imran Farooq’s murder in London has caused a scare in all sane minds. People are whispering about the murder as an inside doing of MQM. Imran farooq was an important founding member of the party but now he had been suspended or expelled for the last two years. It is believed by most that his elimination had become a must or it was feared that all the secrets of MQM would be out that could endanger Altaf Hussain’s life.  As the days pass more and more details will unfurl but all depends on the honesty of British government and Scotland Yard.
As the situation in Kashmir gets more tense more and more attention it would get. What India claimed to be an outside interference rather openly blaming Pakistan can no longer hide the truth. Now the truth has entered the stage where it has been accepted as self-evident truth. Its proof is that Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) dubbed as ‘Oh I C’ by Mahateer  Muhammad for its inaction and disastrous  performance. OIC has never had a coherent voice on an issue facing the Muslim World. Today its Secretary General has shocked everyone when he has demanded that New Delhi needs to take immediate steps to bring the violence in Kashmir to an end.
He also recounted that “India and Pakistan have fought two wars over the disputed region of Kashmir. Protesters have stormed government troops for three consecutive summers calling for Kashmiri independence from India or a merger with Pakistan.” The Secretary General needs to refresh his knowledge, India-Pakistan have fought four wars besides the years long constant war of attrition across the cease fire line now known as Line Of Control, courtesy Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Naming it as LOC was a secret acceptance by Zulfiar Bhutto as the de-facto border between the two countries but he never had the guts to speak the truth and inform the public. The fear of public backlash was far greater than the mileage that he wanted to draw.

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The Palestinian Diaspora

The Palestinian Diaspora

Posted on 14. Sep, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Gaza Today
Does It Care Enough To Become Engaged?

By Alan Hart

IDF doing ethnic cleansing,
The real history of the making and sustaining of the conflict in and over Palestine that became Israel invites the conclusion that the Arab regimes – more by default than design in my view – betrayed the Palestinians. The question this article addresses is: Will future historians conclude that the Palestinian diaspora betrayed its occupied and oppressed brothers and sisters?

There’s no mystery about the Arab (regime) betrayal. When the Palestine file was closed by Israel’s 1948 victory on the battlefield and the armistice agreements, the divided and impotent Arab regimes secretly shared the same hope as the Zionists and the major powers. It was that the file would remain closed for ever. The Palestinians were supposed to accept their lot as the sacrificial lamb on the altar of political expediency.
Nor is there any mystery about why the Arab regimes were at one with the Zionists and the major powers in hoping that there would never be a regeneration of Palestinian nationalism. They all knew that if there was, there would one day have to be a confrontation with Zionism; and nobody wanted that.
When Yasser Arafat, Abu Jihad and a few others lit the slow burning fire of the regeneration, it was the security services of Eygpt, Jordan and Lebanon which took the lead in trying to put it out.
Fast forward to today.
The incredible almost superhuman steadfastness of the occupied and oppressed Palestinians is the reason why Zionism will never be able to close the re-opened Palestine file again unless it resorts to a final round of ethnic cleansing, to drive the Palestinians off the West Bank and into Jordan or wherever. In my analysis it is more likely than not that Zionism’s in-Israel leaders will create a pretext to do just that at a point in the foreseeable future
What point?
When it becomes apparent even to them that with bombs and bullets and brutal repressive measures of all kinds they can’t break the will of the occupied and oppressed Palestinians to continue the struggle for their rights and compel them to accept crumbs from Zionism’s table.
As things are I think it is unrealistic to expect the governments of the major powers either to use the leverage they have to call and hold the Zionist state to account for its past crimes, or to intervene to prevent the crimes it will commit in a foreseeable future.
And it can be taken as read that the Arab regimes will not lift a finger to prevent a final Zionist solution to the Palestine
problem. (Before Sharon sent the IDF all the way to Beirut to exterminate the PLO’s leadership and destroy its infrastructure, Gulf Arab leaders met in secret, without advisers present, in order to agree a message to the Reagan administration. The message was to the effect that they would not intervene in any way when Sharon made his move. After that message was sent, one of the Arab leaders present, Oman’s Sultan Qaboos, said to Arafat: “Be careful. You are going to ask for our help and it will not come.” Last year I had a private conversation in London with a major royal from the Arab world. I said to him, “Nothing is going to change in the Arab world until your regimes are more frightened of their own masses than they are of offending Zionism and America”. He replied, “You’re right.” I also said to him, “If the Zionists do resort to a final round of ethnic cleaning to close the Palestine file, Arab leaders, behind closed doors, will give thanks and celebrate.” His reply was the same, “You’re right.”)
Question: What can the Palestinians do to help themselves?
My view is that they should wind-up (close down) the discredited Palestine National Authority (PNA), and

put policymaking and implementation back into the hands of the Palestine National Council (PNC), which is supposed to be (it once was) the highest and most supreme Palestinian decision-making body. To become relevant again it would have to be reconstructed and re-invigorated by elections in every place where there are Palestinians – the occupied West Bank including East Jerusalem, the Gaza concentration camp and the diaspora.
The fact that the PNA is corrupt, impotent and discredited is reason enough for it to be put out of its misery, but there’s more to it.
In their claim for justice, the Palestinians have 100% of right, legal and moral, on their side (whereas the Israelis have 99% of the might, conventional and nuclear, on their side). If this claim was properly presented and pressed by a credible Palestinian leadership, by definition a democratically elected leadership duly authorized to represent the views of all Palestinians, it would be more difficult for the governments of the major powers, the one in Washington DC especially, to go on refusing to use the leverage they have to end Israel’s occupation of Arab land grabbed in the Zionist state’s 1967 war of aggression. (Not self defense as Zionism asserts).

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Pakistan: Change is Inevitable

Pakistan: Change is Inevitable

Posted on 27. Sep, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Pakistan

By General Mirza Aslam Beg

We are living in very challenging times, constantly facing the negative impact of developments, taking place across the borders and the turmoil within, caused by bad governance, institutional conflict, corruption, rising inflation, deprivation and insurgency, compounded by unprecedented floods. This all has caused despondency and despair, in the minds of the people, wanting a change. Change is needed, no doubt but not through military intervention, nor through street violence, but through the constitutional democratic process, so that the democratic order is sustained, strengthened and buttressed to face the challenges. That is the process which has set into motion, to correct the course.
The external negative forces, impacting life in Pakistan, gradually have taken a backward turn. For example Iran, which has been facing American pressures since 1979, through sanctions and embargoes; aggression by Iraq; threat of war by Israel and induced ethnic riots, to cause strained relations with Pakistan have failed to deter Iran, from signing the eight billion dollar gas pipeline deal with Pakistan. The American government having realized that they cannot bend or break the Iranian will, now are seeking their help in finding a safe exit from Afghanistan. This is a positive change for Pakistan and Iran and for peace in the region.
Similarly in Afghanistan, the Americans and the allies, having failed in their attempt to again cheat the Taliban, of their victory, are now seeking dialogue with them, for a safe exit. This is a very positive change for Pakistan, because, the exit of the occupation forces, would remove the curse of Indian intrusion into Pakistan, a well as the ingress by the American Marines, the CIA and FBI in our border region since 2002, allowed by Pervez Musharraf, which has now been confirmed by the American scholar Bob Woodward, which I had also exposed, through several articles the rather shameful bartering away of our national interests, several years back, when Musharraf was in power, but no one took notice of it. The exit from Afghanistan will also bring to an end the running war with our own tribals, induced by the joint conspiracy of CIA and Raw. These developments are very significant for Pakistan demanding reorientation of our policies and priorities with regard to Afghanistan, India and USA.
For the last sixty years, India has let loose a reign of terror in occupied Kashmir, killing over hundred thousand Kashmiris since 1990. The state terrorism is now being confronted by the civil disobedience movement of the Kashmiri people, which has unnerved the Indian occupation forces, numbering over seven hundred thousand. The state of conflict and confrontation between India and Pakistan, which has lasted for over sixty years, is coming to an end now, and it is possible only after an amicable settlement of the dispute in accordance with the wishes of the people of Kashmir and not so called ‘out of box’ solution offered by the outgoing dictator.
Thus the external factors, which kept Pakistan hostage to conspiracies for long, are now melting away, one by one and it was in this background that the people of Pakistan, voted in favour of democracy, on 18th February 2008, expecting that the rule of law would prevail and the rich and the poor would get justice equally, but that was not to be. The institutional conflict, self interest of the corrupt rulers, bad governance, deprivation and indifference to the needs of the common people has caused such despondency and despair that the Pakistanis are now clamouring for change which has become inevitable. How this change will occur, is of interest to know, because it would demolish the conspiracy for setting-up a pro-establishment government at the behest of proxy powers.

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Cauldron of Kashmir on the boil again

Posted on 28. Sep, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Kashmir

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja
Women Protesters India-Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IOK) is under illegal occupation of India since 1947 and the people suffering under the oppressive rule denied of their basic rights desire freedom. They have been waging struggle for the last 63 years to get freedom from Indian yoke and have resorted to both democratic and violent means. Savage methods have been employed by Indian occupation forces to suppress the people and make them submit to Indian illegal occupation. Brutal force has failed to stifle the yearning desire for freedom which has now taken a new shape in the form of stone-throwing by teenagers. On the other hand, Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) was liberated from the hold of Maharaja Hari Singh’s Dogra Army and Indian Army by the freedom fighters of Kashmir and tribesmen from FATA/NWFP in October 1947.
People of AJK are living in complete freedom and enjoying all the concessions of an autonomous state. There has never been any movement for democratic rights or regional autonomy. Selig Harrison’s biased article appearing in Jewish controlled New York Times in August apart from creating a sensation through his false reporting of presence of large number of Chinese troops in Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) and Pakistan’s decision to hand over GB to China has also tried to equate the situation of AJK with IHK by stating that AJK is being brutally suppressed. There couldn’t have been a bigger lie than what has been fabricated by Harrison to please the Indians. Blinkered and prejudiced Harrison somehow cannot hear or see the cries of the Kashmiris in IHK. Through his colored glasses he sees Indian forces showering roses on Kashmiris and the latter gratified by their benevolence chanting pro-India slogans.

 Pro-independence nonviolent movement which triggered on 11 June 2010 as a consequence to killing of a 17 year old boy by Indian occupation forces has turned into a mass movement. This is the third bout of political agitation by peaceful means since summer of 2008. In the last 3 ½ months, 107 innocent people have been killed by occupation forces, mostly young boys and women, and thousands injured. Police and paramilitary troops have been firing indiscriminately upon peaceful protesters chanting slogans of ‘Azadi’ and ‘go India go’ to suppress them. Brutal methods are being employed to break the momentum of the movement which has now spread to all parts of occupied Kashmir including some of the Muslim-majority districts of Jammu.
Police instead of using water canons or rubber bullets to disperse stone pelting protesters, aims tear gas shells at their children are also fearlessheads.

This crude practice results in deaths. On August 2, a policeman thrust his baton in the mouth of an 8 year boy Sameer in Batmaloo due to which boy’s lungs ruptured and he is still fighting battle of life and death in critical condition. Besides using tear gas shells excessively, troops fire volleys of live bullets direct into the crowds and their rifles point towards chests and heads of the protestors. Many bystanders including some children playing in playgrounds have been killed because of wholesale firing.
The new generation having grown under the boots of Indian occupation forces has become fed up of the continued oppression of occupation forces. They hate their hypocritical Kashmiri rulers acting as puppets of India and want to get rid of them. They are disillusioned with other so-called moderate Kashmiri leaders of APHC who had been induced by Indian rulers and had agreed to indulge in fruitless talks. United Jihad Council chairman Sayyed Salahuddin’s effigy was burnt on 2 August since he had appealed to general public to show restraint and protest in a phased manner so as not to hamper schooling. Likewise when Syed Ali Shah Geelani sent a message of truce to the puppet government of Omar Abdullah and requested for lifting of curfew, the people got enraged and threatened to burn his house.
Young Kashmiris are extremely unhappy with rulers of Pakistan who since 2004 have stopped extending them even moral and diplomatic support and have been promoting Indian scheme of solving Kashmir dispute. Whatever arbitrary pro-Kashmir statements made is mere lip service. They have not forgotten Zardari equating Kashmiri freedom fighters with terrorists, or saying that India is a friend and Pakistan has no threat from it. Their disenchantment and frustration has reached such a high pitch that no amount of brutality inflicted upon them scares them away. Tender aged boys as small as 8 years are more enthusiastic and are seen leading the processions. Each death of their colleagues adds to their pent up anger and further steel their resolve to continue with their civil disobedience movement. Not knowing how to counter the hail of bullets, young boys hurl stones on the soldiers and police.

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Delhi is Safe!

Posted on 28. Sep, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Opinion

 Operation ‘Come Out and Play’ Compromised

By Sohail Parwaz

Apparently the preparations for forthcoming Common Wealth Games are at full swing in India. These games which are rated as the second biggest games after the Olympics are planned to be conducted from October 3, 2010 to October 14, 2010. The opening and closing ceremonies will take place at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium Delhi having the capacity of 75,000 spectators after renovation for the games, while 17 major types of sporting events including athletics, swimming, gymnastic, hockey, cycling, boxing etc will go on at more or less 26 other old and newly constructed stadiums at and around Delhi. Some of the major stadiums are Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Delhi, Dhavan Chand National Stadium, Dhyan Chand Stadium, Indra Gandhi Stadium, Siri Fort Sports Complex, Yumuna Sports Complex, CRPF shooting Range and many other arenas at and around Delhi. Indians are expecting about 4200 sportsmen and athletes from 52 member countries to participate the games. Besides this about 2.69 million tourists are expected by the Indian government to witness these games; however the present accommodation in the shape of hotels and guest houses etc available in and around Delhi is not sufficient to accommodate such a large number of the audience.

If we analyze it honestly the actual worry for the Indian authorities should have been the security and not the accommodation and management of the games because there are scores of ministries and other departments which are accustomed and meant for these responsibilities whereas the security factor is an emerging global concern for any nation who is keen to own a vital responsibility i.e. arranging of gigantic event like Common Wealth Games. However the Indian suspicious approach towards the issue has now started upsetting the participating nations who have shown their lost sleep for the issue. Indians have vowed to make this Games Green whereas the much important requirement is to ensure the event as ‘White Games’ (peaceful games).

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