Thursday, October 28, 2010

Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight: Americans Need to Know More About Palestine

Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight: Americans Need to Know More About Palestine: "Americans Need to Know More About Palestine ..."

Americans Need to Know More About Palestine

Americans Need to Know More About Palestine

Posted on 28. Oct, 2010 by  Marivel Guzman from original Post Raja Mujtaba in Interviews
Interview with Jamal Krayem Kanj: Author Children of Catastrophe
Interview by Elias Harb
Author Jamal Kanj talks about life in a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon. In his recent book “Children of Catastrophe: Journey from a Palestinian refugee camp to America”, he provides an account of life from Palestine to refugee camps in Lebanon and the events leading for the creation of the state of Israel.
Jamal Kanj joined me in an exclusive interview to discuss his book Children of Catastrophe.
ELIAS HARB: In your book you convey the personal aspect of the life of the refugees. Can you tell us what inspired you to write Children of Catastrophe?....Read More Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Restructuring Public Entities In Pakistan Part I

Posted on 20. Oct, 2010 by Marivel Guzman original Post by Raja Mujtaba.
By Shaukat Masood Zafar:
The scope of the lucrative six-figure pay package for top management positions (MP), being raised up to around Rupees one million per month, basically introduced to attract experts of international standing from the private sector to lead these public sector enterprises in Pakistan, has been contentiously widened to feed well even the serving and retired political affiliated government officials/ political figures, who otherwise are not eligible to draw this huge salary.
                                           Read More.....Opinion-Maker Foresight with Insight

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Coercing Pakistan to extract nukes

Posted on 14. Oct, 2010 by Marivel Guzman  Raja Mujtaba in World News
Along with Israel, America is also getting isolated in the international community, more so in the Muslim world. The worst tragedy is when the government gets isolated from its own people, America of today is a perfect example. Raja Mujtaba
By Brig Asif Haroon Raja
Pakistan is contiguous to Pashtun belt of Pakistan and is not connected with non-Pashtun areas in the west, centre and north. Whole of northern Afghanistan is attached with three Republicans states of Central Asia while western Afghanistan is fastened with Iran. Apart from geographic contiguity, five million Pashtuns of Afghanistan share religious, ethnic, linguistic and cultural ties with 15 million Pashtuns residing in Pakistan. Pashtuns living in close vicinity of Durand Line have blood relations. Their villages were arbitrarily divided by the British on the map since physical demarcation was almost impossible because of inhospitable terrain and weather. Border line has never acted as an impediment in their cross border movement. Pashtuns from both sides have been jointly fighting all foreign invaders; each time they succeeded in evicting the aggressors. In accordance with their age-old tradition, they are doing the same now.
It must be remembered that unlike Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, Americans are uninvited guests in Afghanistan and their stay is temporary......Read More...Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight

White House in Crisis

Posted on 14. Oct, 2010 by Marivel Guzman        Original Post by Raja Mujtaba in US
Section 4 of the 25th Amendment likely to be invoked; Obama being shipped out!
By Wayne Madsen
Washington has not witnessed so much top level White House intrigue since October 20, 1973, when a Saturday night saw President Nixon fire the Watergate independent counsel, the U.S. attorney general, and the deputy attorney general in the “Saturday Night Massacre.” Just ten days earlier, Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned after being charged with accepting bribes while governor of Maryland.
In the case of President Obama, the senior firings are not happening during a single nght but the recent involuntary sudden departures of the White House chief of staff and national security adviser, along with what WMR can confirm from multiple sources is a president who is suffering from Nixonian levels of paranoia, depression, and schizophrenia, has some top-level administration officials considering the first-ever invocation of Section 4 of the 25th Amendment — the involuntary removal of the president from office. The White House meltdown has the Washington political circuit buzzing under the surface.
The “Ulsterman” Diary
Like Watergate, the rumors about Obama’s mental health.......Read More Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight: From AmPak to AfPak

Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight: From AmPak to AfPak: "Posted by Marivel Guzman From Original Post on 12. Oct, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Pak-US Relations [Translate] The 60 Years of PAK-AMERICAN J..."

From AmPak to AfPak

Posted by Marivel Guzman From Original Post on 12. Oct, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Pak-US Relations

The 60 Years of PAK-AMERICAN Journey

By Engr. Mansoor A Malik
Pakistan’s first Prime Minister, Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan’s first and his last visit to USA in 1950 paved the way for a long and tumultuous relationship between the Victorious (Second World War) Super Power, America and the Largest, Democratic Muslim State of the world at that time, Pakistan. This new fledgling democratic state of Pakistan had gone to the Golden Shores of the USA to get help in strengthening its democratic institutions which were in infancy and urgently required support and help from its friends abroad. It could have gone to its ex-colonial power, UK for this support but preferred a fresh approach since its founding politicians had apprehensions about the close affinity between its immediate neighbor India and UK. The objectives of this journey from the Pakistani leadership were quite vivid but its timings were completely out of place. The American policy makers in Washington at that time were deeply engrossed in the preparation of the Korean War as a demonstration of their new Asia-Pacific policy and required foot soldiers for this important campaign. They had already roped in the Turkish Military and requested Pakistan to do the same. Liaqat Ali Khan in his own eloquent style, coming from the landed aristocracy, politely refused any military help on this account........Read More Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight

Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight: An open Letter to all the Kings, Presidents and Pr...

Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight: An open Letter to all the Kings, Presidents and Pr...: "An open Letter to all the Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers of the Islamic CountriesPosted by Marivel Guzman from original Post on 11. O..."

An open Letter to all the Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers of the Islamic Countries

An open Letter to all the Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers of the Islamic Countries

Posted by Marivel Guzman from original Post on 11. Oct, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba in Opinion
Editor’s Note: This letter was written in 2002/03. No paper at the time accepted to publish it therefore it was printed in the pamphlet form and distributed to some 10000 people. None of the Rulers at the time even responded to this letter. Now it is being republished without any editing therefore the readers are free to judge for what was written about eight years back does it still hold its truth or not.
By Raja Ghulam Mujtaba

Guide us to the straight path,
The path of those upon whom You bestowed favours,
Not those who have invited Your wrath,
nor those who have gone astray. “Al-Fatih”
Dear Brothers and Sisters in faith and fraternity, Assalamalelum

Muslim Unity
As you all are aware that presently the entire Muslim world is under going a tremendous pressure seldom witnessed in history. Like most, I am sure you all must also be worried over the situation. We all jointly but you the leaders in particular have a great responsibility to discharge. The anti Islamic forces over the ages have been very active and aggressive in their aims and goals. They have left no avenue to attack Islam from all directions and at all levels, but we have either failed to read the situation or could not build up the necessary trust, confidence and strength to face it. The entire Muslim world stands divided in more than one way, the things are neither that simple nor very visible; there is lot more to be studied than what is visible to the naked eye. This problem does not pertain to any particular segment of our society or state; it’s universal to the entire Ummah. We as Muslims have to decide the course that we have to adopt; should we seek guidance from the Holy Quran or from the so-called defenders and propagators of the so-called modern and civilised society of the West.
What happened on 11th September is the next phase of the “New World Order” that was launched with the culmination of Gulf War. Thus it was not the act of any individual or a group of people. Even no Muslim country has the sophistication to carry out such an attack. Therefore in all earnest, we should have studied all that was made available and also tried to acquire more information independent of the Western governments to come to some logical and collective thinking in asserting the truth. Only then we would have been in a position to salvage the situation. I am not endorsing the foul acts of anyone what to say of Osama or Mullah Omar but before we had condemned or accepted them as terrorists we should have been more resolute in demanding the evidence against them and also studied the game plan and its pattern that has been evolving over the period of time. Today because of the timidness and lack of faith and trust in our Deen and its dictums, all the rulers are responsible for this blot on the face of the Ummah. The Zionist dominated West is all bent upon destroying the Muslims and the world of Islam, the last hurdle in their nefarious designs after Christianity and their own created communism both having been destroyed very effectively. The shape of Christianity is so badly mutilated that even the Christians have lost faith and belief in their religion. The Zionists who want the entire world to follow the path of sin have managed the Christians to follow Lucifer; they are prompted to sin by making them believe that these have all been paid for in the blood of Prophet Jesses, thus their love for Jesses. The Holy Bible after its mutilation is no longer the word of Allah (SWT).
Fortunately they failed to drive any such notion amongst the Muslims nor have they been able to mutilate the Holy Quran, therefore now the anti Islamic forces have no option but to physically eradicate both this faith and its followers. Over a period of time, though these forces have tried to drive a wedge amongst the Muslims but with some success to fragment them; however contrary to their thinking, now there is a greater realisation and urge amongst the Muslims to get back to the Holy Quran and Sunnah to seek guidance; this is all a very natural and logical process for our salvation. Now the masses feel that it’s the leadership that’s a hurdle in this process, thus their resentment against you all. The emergence of the Talibans in Afghanistan was seen as the revival of the caliphate therefore Muslim masses felt its obligation to this development. This was a visible threat to the ruling class of the Muslim world more so for the monarchies and it also jittered the West. For this reason the Talibans were not accepted lest they become a threat to their authority or invoke America’s displeasure. Still some were pursuing the sectarian conflict for their vested interests, this was nothing but short sightedness and selfish thinking on the part of the leadership.
Establishment of Islamic order in Afghanistan would have provided a role model for the world to see had we all particularly the leadership worked very sincerely towards this goal and extended complete support and guidance to the Talibans. Simultaneously not only their differences with the Northern Alliance should have been patched up but disputes amongst the other Muslim States should have also been ironed out. Here one must not forget that prior to the Talibans, an agreement was worked out between the components of the ruling alliance of seven parties and they put their signature on this document in the Holy Kabah of which, Northern Alliance was also a component. It was the failure of this Ruling Alliance, who not only dishonoured the pledge but also indulged in loot and plunder and created lawlessness that paved the way for the Talibans descend on the scene. OIC was the most appropriate forum to have conducted this affair but like the Muslim leadership, this too has proved to be an impotent organ. With this level of our faith and commitment, these novices in the field of statecraft were left just to themselves who were bound to commit mistakes and they became very rigid in their outlook. But here it must be appreciated that even their critics from the West have accepted that the Talibans had brought law and order to their country, de-weaponised the society, eradicated poppy cultivation completely and there was no pomp and gaiety. Even America, the self-claimant of being the most civilised, freedom loving and democratic society cannot claim of a single day free of crime; in fact the count is kept by the clock. Some years back when there was a power failure in America, women were raped right in the elevators. How societies that cannot protect own citizens can be the custodians of others rights and privileges? Suffice to say even no Muslim country including Pakistan, the citadel of Islam can guarantee such a protection and safety to the daughters of the eve though in Saudi Arabia and Iran, things are little different.
The war of Afghanistan is far from over. Now the Zionist dominated West under the cover of the UNO (The UNO is Zionism. It is the super-government mentioned many times in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, promulgated between 1897-1905 – Henry Klein, a Jewish Lawyer of New York – 1948) is busy trying to implement ‘The New World Order’ that began after the American occupation of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in 1991. Let it be known that the New World Order is essentially a thrust against Islam as the subsequent events are proving it to be true. The International Jewry, the most threatening menace to humanity is attempting to replace and subordinate the Islamic systems, values, culture and liberties to the ones practiced in the West. Those who are resisting it are being labelled as fundamentalists. This is a clash heading towards a major catastrophe that one can term as clash of civilisations; it is the building of the third world war. Under the guise of war against terrorism, a number of Islamic countries have been put on the hit list and there is no secret about it that Pakistan being its primary target for being a nuclear country so that none can interdict the process.
The killing of the POWs in Mazare Sharif and shifting of the Muslims to India, Israel and America speaks volumes about our apathy and their determination against Islam and the Muslims. Why none could question them or force them to conduct a transparent enquiry and trial is very intriguing. Essentially it was the caretaker government of Afghanistan to have assumed the responsibility to resist such shifting but unfortunately their own credibility is highly doubtful and they themselves are pawns of this heinous game. In spite of repeated public demands, America has refused to put an end to the ruthless and indiscriminate bombing of Afghanistan thereby killing innocent people and destroying their properties against all norms of justice, humanity and fair play. It is the American terror unleashed who is bent upon telling every country around to accept it as the master of their destiny. It is recorded in history that ultimate victory belongs to the righteous no matter how weak they may be. Look at the fate of Pharaoh and Nimrod at the hands of Prophets Musa and Abraham, thus one may witness these very Afghans once again uniting and standing up against the Zionist coalition forces and their puppets........Read More.......Opinion Maker Foresight with Insight