Monday, March 14, 2011

-The Grand Date March 15:Lead by the Youth of Palestine

Gaza - especially together - Kakaddr Palestinian who carried on his shoulders all the sins of history and  events together . To promote a new generation resolutely loaded, legacy accumulated over decades in both capitals for ends in the Gaza Strip  . And from Gaza begins its new launch, said he wished to rectify the deficit for the older generation of parents and errors committed at the height of the conflict between the sworn brotherhood of power.

. They are in their twenties have left the era of communications, "fax" organizational and lived through a time of "capsule" family are pioneers of "Facebook" and Mailings "email" dressed in jeans and "T-shirt" and the sons of the era of "laptop".

. They said together: we have moved more than a month to work on the ground and left the "Facebook" virtual world for the revolution to end the division and we started working on a campaign of house to house of Rafah to Beit Hanoun and in all parts of the West Bank to translate the Revolution to the ground in all parts of home.

  . March 15 activists speaking on their behalf and together they visited the Office in Gaza.

  Revolution spent Profile:

  And Mohamed Sheikh Yusuf Youth March 15 for both the most we have to work is to restore national unity and if we are not united lost Palestine and lost her youth and that the Palestinian people mature to carry the idea and the Palestinian flag without the other no one says, "I continued to divide the revolution allowed for all wrap around and the most inspirational to continue as young people, we relied on Msrova personal spending on this revolution, saying it was a revolution to add personal expense to the contributions of activists, saying sarcastically that the revolution of this kind is not in need of funding.

  Prosecutions and arrests per police officer and a Rose:

  . Through the process of build-up and preparation for the start of a revolution young Shaykh Yusuf: We have been prosecutions and arrests and booking is completely and computer hardware and "Laptop" our own by the security services in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, saying that young people have decided to give a rose for each element of police Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza during the first hour of the demonstrations, saying, "We get young men in a spontaneous march in the Gaza Strip days before the police and shouted societies young people and police together to end the division, stressing that the youth revolution of March have today the distribution of 1000 and rose to the elements of the police."

  - Legitimacy belongs to the Palestinians wherever they are:

. He said Sheikh Yusuf, saying: our response to Palestinian organizations that he would not only represents the youth and young people will not be able to impose one view on the field Valmidan master himself, explaining that all legitimacies fell and that the only legitimate is for the Palestinian people in all places of his presence.

  And Joseph said: that the field will not allow any party whatsoever, or any one that tries to impose party color or class, because the field will not only receives a campaign of the Palestinian flag and raise the slogan of the people wants to end the division and a single emblem of the Palestinian people at this point.

  "We will not allow anyone to Tajir March 15, in the interest of partisan or institutional and that it is not only the legitimacy of the field."

. He called on all Palestinian Sheikh Yusuf to go on March 15, raising the Palestinian flag only.

. He said: We call on Hamas also call for Fatah and other factions to get off wearing the dress the Palestinian and the Palestinian flag and get free societies in this day of the party and our only goal during this phase is to protect the national project and protect the blood of the martyrs and call for unity is a call for great leaders Yasser Arafat and Khalil al-Wazir Ahmed Yassin, Abu Ali Mustafa, George Habash, Shakaki and decided that the young Palestinian leaders invited to meet the bone and split ends and restores unity to strengthen the Palestinian unified.

  Sheikh Yusuf said the most important success of the revolution until the moment is to break the deadlock and break the barrier of fear and activation of the silent majority and people express their views and rights of what is going on.

: And about gathering places, said Joseph Nouri, a militant revolution Onalamancn March 15 are:

West Bank crowd in the central Manara Square in Ramallah

. For the rest of the areas in the West Bank, which will not be able to reach the lighthouse in Ramallah, the crowd will be in Bethlehem Church of the Nativity in Jenin in the field of the Jenin Martyrs.

. It will also be in the crowd in front of the Palestinian diaspora Palestinian embassies or offices of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

  Nouri said that the call would be to sit in the same places of the crowd, unless they decided that the field is saying to let the field decide.

. As for the organization of the crowd and fields, "said Nouri, said the idea began by inviting youth groups to the crowd after crowd sleep youth work to organize the crowds and space management, explaining that he had been set up committees to the system of committees flags and committees supporting and unifying slogans stressing that young people have all the preparations for the management of post-crowd.